• Address
    Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran
  • Exhibition date

  • ۲۰۲۰-۶-۸

Exhibition Tips

Exhibition Tips

How can you maximize your presence at ECORAF?

Tip 1: Invite your most important customers to the exhibition. 

You can send a direct email or a personal letter to your key customers. In addition, you can send a public invitation in your organizational newsletter. In the customer relations section, we can send this official and electronic invitation of the exhibition by providing a list of your key customers.

Tip 2: Market yourself before attending this international event and be determined by your market analysis for a serious attendance.

Tip 3: Seriously pursue your involvement in advertisement and exhibition book. 

Tip 4: Booths should be kept in line with international standards. Suitable and appealing decoration and the use of interactive elements, distributing gifts to visitors, presenting live versions of products and services, and publishing multimedia advertisement will be a welcome addition to your exhibit. It is also important to note that the booth is neither a showcase nor a painting, so its design should be in a way that is communicative, and engaging and expresses the company's goals for the products and services. Avoid hanging catalogs, boxes, posters on the booth wall as far as possible. The appearance of the booth should attract visitors. The nature and purpose of the company should be clear in the way the booth is decorated. 

Tip 5: Observance of the principles of formality, negotiation, and etiquette for the international arena is highly significant. In the meantime, the exhibition organizer will provide training sessions prior to the "ECORAF" event, and you can register for these sessions to increase the productivity of your attendance.

Tip 6: Paying attention to booth staff is very important. Exhibition facilities are available when the booth staff can use every opportunity to generate interest in visitors. All employees must have enough information about the goods and should know how to use them, and be familiar with business terms in regard with shipping, packaging, insurance, customs tariff, terms of sale and delegation. Staff should be aware of public places and exhibition facilities such as public telephones, first aid kits, clinics and so on. It is advisable that one of the staffs is responsible for maintaining the order and overall cleanliness of the booth and is constantly on guard against any mess or dirt in any part of the booth. Keeping the booth staff cheerful in a variety of ways will prevent any laxity and indifference in the booth's current affairs.  

Tip 7: Prepare a complete set of booth brochures and your business requirements in a unique and interesting way for distribution to visitors from different groups. Exhibition brochures and publications play a very important role in your success because at the end of the exhibition, visitors will forget what was in your booth, but what is left in their hands is your publications. 

Tip 8: There are certain days during the exhibition that are of special importance compared to ordinary days, including the opening day of the exhibition. Have special planning for these days.